和平島生態遊 Hope Island Eco Tour 半日遊 Dalf Day

主題:生態旅遊 Subject: Eco Tour

生態旅遊是和平島的旅遊特色,我們規劃了島上的生態旅遊,有專業的在地導覽員說明導覽。也有生態飲食。 We have a local eco tour guide in this trip as well as eco meals.

早上我們在台北集合,搭乘巴士到基隆和平島。在車上由合格的領團人員解說搭車安全規則後,開始介紹基隆的特色跟和平島概況。 We get together in the morning in Taipei and then take a bus to the Hope Island.

和平島導覽結束後,我們到遊客中心的餐廳用餐。餐後到就地解散/紅樹林捷運站/台北/原地點解散。 After the tour in the Hope Island, we have a eco meal in the 2F restaurant. We dismiss after the meal in the MRT Hongshulin Station/Taipei Station/same location.

廁所使用:和平島有無障礙廁所。 WC: accessible toilets are available.

集合地: 台北市或包團約定適合地點 Place to meet: appointed by tourists.

遊程天數:半日 Duration: half day



出團人數/最低人數:6人/最多人數:20人 min 6 persons / max 20 person

售價:$700 Pirce: $700 NTD/person


退費規定依旅行業規定 Refund is by the local tourism law.

另有整日遊程;建議下午前往中角灣玩水(夏天;整日遊費用:$1,000;中角灣自費);或箴品茶研飲茶(整日遊費用:$1,300) We also haev a whole day tour, including Zhongjiaowan or tea drinking. Tourists need to pay extra money.

Snow和平島 Hope Island
Forest藍食謐境 Land Scape
Snow中角灣 Zhongjiaowan
Forest箴品茶研 Tea Drinking