生態騎行台東 Bike Taitung

主題:ESG節碳旅遊 Subject: ESG Tours

ESG節碳旅遊是近年興起的旅遊方式,我們規劃了台東一日雙燈塔旅遊,在起點租借電動腳踏車。對於企業包團,我們提供合約的人力腳踏車。 ESG Tours: Our tour is from Keelung Lighthouse to Cape Fugui Lighthouse using a bike. If you are a group tour, we rent bikes.

早上我們在台北或台東集合,就搭乘火車/巴士到台東。經由合格的騎行領團人員們解說自行車操作方式跟安全規則後,開始騎行10公里,加上沿途拍照預計總時間約1小時。 We get tother in the morning in Taipei or Taitung. Then we take a train/bus to the Taitung. We have a bike guide in the front and a the back of our bike tour. The trip is about 1 hour.

騎行是行程中的一站; 此台東行程通常是客製化 Ride is one of our our activities; this tour is usually customer made.

廁所使用:我們會考慮到無障礙廁所。 WC: accessible toilets will be arranged.

集合地: 台北市或包團約定適合地點 Place to meet: appointed by tourists in Taipei or Taitung.

遊程天數:3日或更多天 Duration: 3 Days or more


午餐:許多地方 Many Places

出團人數/最低人數:2人/最多人數:20人 min 2 persons / max 20 persons

售價:客製化行程 Pirce: customer made tour

預計可出團日:任何(颱風日不出行); 暑假價錢較高 Any day is good to departure; we will consider not to departure if there is a typhoon. Tour price is usually higher in summber.

退費規定依旅行業規定 Refund is by the local tourism law.