淡蘭古道中路 Tamsui Kavalan Historical and Cultural Trails (中路,草嶺古道,3~4小時路程,最多6小時; center trail, 3~4 hour walk; max 6 hours)

主題:文化旅遊 Subject: Culture Tour

淡蘭古道中路最有名的是草嶺古道,我們的步行起點,從貢寮的遠望坑出發,結束在宜蘭縣大里。對於企業包團,出發地如果距離市區遠,可能結束時會在下午,並影響午餐時間。 Culture Tour: Tamsui Kavalan Historical and Cultural Trails (center trail) is very famous. The most famous one is Caoling Historic Trail. We start our trail from Yuan Want Ken, New Taipei. We finish our tour at Dali, Yi-lan. If you book our tour and start from your hotel, it may take 1 day for this trip and lunch is not so easy to arrange.

We get together in the morning. Then we take a bus to the Yuan-Want Valley. The starting place is this valley. There are some famous place during this trip, such as Horse-Falling-to-Death Bridge, Xiongzhen Manyan Monument, Tiger Inscription, mountain pass... etc.

Please watch your step when taking a picture. You may carry a stick.

結束的地點在宜蘭縣大里,。如果您參加的是低碳行程,我們會帶旅客去搭乘火車回台北 Our trip ends at Dali, Yi-lan County. Then we take a bus back to the starting place or continue to the next trip. If you take a low carbon trip, we will go to the nearby train station to go back.

WC: Toilets are available only in the entrance, middle place and at the end.

集合地: 台北市、新北市、基隆市或包團約定地點 Place to meet: appointed by tourists in Taipei/New Taipei/Keelung.

遊程天數: 半日到一日 Duration: half day to 1 Day


午餐:沒有 (有的話需另外安排)
lunch: NA

出團人數/最低人數:6人/最多人數:20人 min 6 persons / max 20 persons

售價:$2,500/人 Pirce: $2,500 NTD/person (台北出發;depart from Taipei)

預計可出團日:周五及周六 Sunday and Saturday

退費規定依旅行業規定 Refund is by the local tourism law.

低碳淡蘭古道行 If you want to have a low carbon tour, we will use bus and train instead.


Bus: Fulong train station, take #791, F831 or F823 to Yuan-wuant-keng and start our trip.

PS:中路的古道還有 暖東峽谷步道、暖東舊道、五分山步道、運煤道、番子坑步道、 平湖西步道、平湖東步道、大坑山稜線步道、 上內平林步道、中坑古道、枋山坑古道 闊瀨古道、灣潭古道、烏山越嶺古道 坪溪古道、石空古道、崩山坑古道、北勢溪古道

Snow遠望坑口起點 Yuan Want Valley, the starting point
Forest雄鎮蠻煙摩碣 Xiongzhen Manyan Monument
Snow虎字碑 Tiger Inscription
Forest宜蘭縣大里,結束點 Dali, Yi-lan County, the ending point