淡蘭古道南路 Tamsui Kavalan Historical and Cultural Trails, south trail (南路,小路行程; south trail, only a few hour walk)
主題:文化旅遊 Subject: Culture Tour
Culture Tour: Tamsui Kavalan Historical and Cultural Trails(South) starts from Liuzhangli, Taipei. We start our trail from Shiding Old Street.
If you book our tour, we can arrange other 2 old street to become a one day tour. (price is higher.)
早上我們集合後,就搭乘旅遊巴士到石碇老街。在這裡開始我們的步行到淡蘭吊橋,加上沿途拍照預計總時間約2小時,午餐時間約1小時。 可以走相反方向而在石碇老街豆腐店用餐。
We get together in the morning. Then we take a bus to the Shiding Old Street to the suspension bridge. Including the light meal, the total trip is about 3 hours. We have a lunch in the old street if we start from the other side.
Our trip ends at the old street. Then we take a bus back to the starting place or continue to the next trip.
廁所使用:入口處跟出口處有一般廁所,需步行上下樓梯。 WC: Toilets are available at both entrance and end.
集合地: 台北市、新北市或包團約定地點 Place to meet: appointed by tourists in Taipei/New Taipei.
Duration: half Day
午餐:石碇老街豆腐店 Lunch: Sihding Old Street Dofu restaurant(簡單餐飲 Simple meal)
出團人數/最低人數:6人/最多人數:20人 min 6 persons / max 20 persons
售價:$1,200/人 Pirce: $1,200 NTD/person (台北出發;depart from Taipei)
預計可出團日:周五及周六 Sunday and Saturday
Refund is by the local tourism law.

石碇老街 Shiding Old Street

步道狀況 Trail View

步道狀況 Trail View

步道狀況 Trail View